Cleaning Stoney Grove Ghaut
Charlestown, Nevis
May 14, 2015
The Nevis Public Works Department in collaboration with DC Equipment are working towards the clearing and cleaning of the main ghaut located in the Stoney Grove area. The cleaning of the ghaut is a preventative measure that would lessen the effects of flooding that usually occur after heavy rains especially in hurricane season.
Deputy Premier of Nevis Hon Mark Brantley and Managing Director of DC Equipment and Stoney Grove resident Dale Claxton visited the site on Friday 8th May, 2015. Hon Brantley told the Department of Information that the project was to ensure that the residents feel safe and comfortable during the hurricane season and times of flooding. He added that the work was also to preserve their properties.
Minister Brantley thanked Mr. Claxton for his contribution and involvement in the work being done and he also singled out the Junior Minister responsible for Public Works, Troy Liburd for his support in the project.
“I want to thank my good friend Dale from D C Equipment. He is a Stoney Grove resident, so this is consistent with what we have said as a government that in any way possible we get the local people involved in the community because he would understand exactly what the water coming through here does.
“I want to thank Minister Troy Liburd and his ministry for supporting this project,” he said.
Claxton explained that upon finishing the first phase of clearing the ghauts the area would be lined with boulders. He also said that the work would be completed in time for the upcoming hurricane season.
This project stretches from the back of Caribbean Cove area to the Water Department Area.