Joycelyn Liburd Primary School Students
Charlestown, Nevis
February 13, 2009
A group of students from the Joycelyn Liburd Primary School in Gingerland, had a time of their life when they visited the Department of Information at Bath Hotel on Wednesday.
“It was impressive, it was different,” eight year old Ms. Raveena Persad of Grade 3A1 said of the visit.
The students accompanied by Teachers Mrs. Judy Davis and Ms. Letisha Gumbs and Guidance Counsellor Ms. Ivorcia Hanley, toured the studio of Nevis Television (NTV) and were given an insight into the workings of the Department as part of their lesson on Communications.
Ms. Gumbs explained that their field trip to a number of communication agencies in Charlestown was part of their Social Studies class.
“The children were doing a topic for Social Studies entitled “˜Communications’. They were learning that communication is the sending and receiving of messages and so we taught them that there were communication centres all over Nevis.
“We chose the NTV News Cast so that they would have a look at how communication could be sent to more than one person at the same time. I think the children really benefitted from the programme. I think they were more excited to see themselves on the TV but I think they were able to see that other persons around the world could see them and they were happy for that,” she said.
The students also visited the Nevis Post Office and VON Radio.