More Resistant Malaria Strain In Caribbean

January 6, 2007 – Bridgetown, Barbados

As Jamaica continues to battle with an outbreak of malaria, one health consultant has warned the region that it is facing a more resistant strain of the disease. “The malaria vector, the female Anopheles mosquito, over the years has become resistant to some of our interventions, some of the insecticides that are used, and in addition to that the parasite itself has become and is becoming resistant to some of the treatment that we use as well,” said Dr. Nicholas Adomakoh, clinical consultant for infectious diseases with the Barbados Ministry of Health. “So eradicating the vector and certainly treating the parasite itself is becoming more difficult with time,” A total of 194 cases of malaria have been reported in Jamaica since December 1, last year.  Dr. Adomakoh said the ease of travel coupled with other factors contributed to the re-emergence of the mosquito-borne illness in the region.

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CARICOM Special Visas Due Out Soon – Including Nevis

Following consultations between tourism ministers and the Cricket World Cup security planners, a decision has been reached to delay the implementation of the special CARICOM visa by two weeks, with a new start-up date of February 1. This came from Deputy Prime Minister and Chair of the CARICOM Sub-Committee on Cricket World Cup Security, Mia Mottley. She was speaking following a special meeting of regional tourism ministers at the Sherbourne Conference Centre yesterday. Mottley stressed that the CARICOM Heads of Government held a special meeting last Friday to discuss issues relating to security for the tournament.

The Heads at that Bureau Meeting agreed that the Single Domestic Space would now commence on February 1 and not January 15, which would allow us to work with the tourism ministers in a meaningful way to ensure that there is no dislocation from hosting visitors from places which would not have needed visas previously, but now need them. We also agreed that we should work with them to expedite the processing of the visas, as we believe while the outer limit, which has been set of 21 days, would avoid legal liability in regards to representations from the public, we believe that we can process visas, particularly for the charters and emergencies within three or four days, she stated.

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Saint Kitts Airport Gains New Parking Apron

The new parking apron capable of accommodating six-wide bodied aircraft at the Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport will be officially opened on Tuesday.

Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas has been invited by the St. Christopher Air and Sea Ports Authority (SCASPA) to deliver the feature address and cut the ribbon to officially put the parking area into service, although it was used recently by a Virgin Atlantic 747.

Besides the new parking apron located west of the terminal, the US$15.9 million project included the construction of a new taxi-way, resurfacing of the existing runway and existing parking apron, modification to the draining system, installation of lights and construction of a new fuelling depot.

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Nevis Christmas Dinner – Chevy’s Calypso Bar

Chevy’s is having a Christmas Eve Dinner Buffet on Sunday, December 24th at 9PM. It is a ticket only event and is limited to 60 persons. Be sure to dress in the seasons colors ! Buffet Style: Fish/Chicken/Nevisian Mutton Served …

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Nevis & Montpelier Plantation Photos

I was out browsing around the web today and stumbled upon a nice site with loads of Nevis related photos.  It always amazes me how many people put their Nevis photos up for all to see.  I can remember browsing in the …

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