Nevis And Dominica Discuss The Future Of Geothermal Energy

Nevis Premier - Joseph Parry

Nevis Premier – Joseph Parry

January 18, 2012

Premier of Nevis, the Hon. Joseph Parry met with Dominica’s Minister of Energy, the Hon. Rayburn Blackmoore Saturday to discuss the way forward for geothermal energy on both islands.  The discussions took place at the Premier’s Bath Plain office.

Our Geothermal project will benefit Nevis and St. Kitts and other islands in the region, while Dominica will assist neighboring French islands. With this in mind we have every reason to work together to make sure we have two successful projects in the OECS,” noted Premier Parry.

The Premier told the Energy Minister that Nevis had completed its exploration phase, and was looking forward to the next phase, which is production drilling.

During the meeting, Premier Parry and Minister Blackmoore discussed ways in which the two islands could learn from each other, converse on their experiences, and keep the lines of communication going into the future.

Mr. Parry said it is important that the two islands move forward on this natural resource in order for Dominica, Nevis and other regional islands to be able to provide energy to all its residents at very affordable rates.

Mr. Blackmoore shared the sentiment, and agreed that it was important that the two islands communicate and have transparent discussions on the geothermal matter.

“Geothermal is a cleaner and cheaper way to go and we believe that open dialogue with Nevis can be very helpful on that road to natural energy success,” said Blackmoore, who was visiting the island to learn from the OECS’s renewable energy leader, Nevis.

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