Charlestown, Nevis
January 8, 2008
Premier of Nevis, Hon. Joseph Parry is scheduled to make remarks on the topic: Preserving Nevis’s Heritage, at a Preview Party for the opening of the exhibition, “Alexander Hamilton: The Man who made Modern America.”
The celebration will take place at Hamilton House on Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 5:30p.m.
A full program will be observed as the Executive Director of the Nevis Historical Conservation Society (NHCS), Mr. John Guilbert will make the opening remarks for this auspicious occasion.
Among the many presenters will be U.S Ambassador to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, Hon. Mary M. Ourisman who will speak on the topic, “Why Alexander Hamilton Should Be Honoured’, followed by brief remarks outlining Heritage Tourism by St.Kitts/ Nevis Ambassador to the USA, the Hon. Isben Williams.
President of NHCS- Ms. Marcia Myers said it is very important for Nevisians today to know about Alexander Hamilton and his contribution to the shaping of the United States of America. “The United States of America is the model upon which other democratic nations have been built. When Mr. Hamilton arrived to the colonies there was no central government, no army, no currency and they lacked many necessities. Hamilton not only complained about the system but helped to create a system that became respected and adopted.”
Ms. Myers also noted that Hamilton was a strong, vocal advocate of the abolition of slavery. ‘He was a founder of the New York Manumission Society, which opposed slavery and established a free school for African”“American children.